Swiss Documentary Film opens Film Festival in Marseille, France


“Behind me” by Norbert Wiedmer, a poetic portrayal of Swiss actor Bruno Ganz, will be the opening film at the 14th Festival international du documentaire in Marseille on Friday, June 27th. The festival is taking place from June 27 – July 2. In Marseille, Swiss film making is also represented with several productions and a Swiss Film Center booth at the film market “Sunny Side at the Doc”, taking place concurrently.
Bernese director Norbert Wiedmer did not simply create a classical portrait film. It is more of an attempt - through the means of film – to approach the essential character, the language, and the artistry and talent of the well known Swiss actor. Doing so, the filmed persona becomes an active accomplice of the filmmaker. “Behind me” premiered in Locarno, Switzerland, in August 2002 as part of the “Semaine de la critique” (The Critics’ Week) before appearing in cinemas in the German speaking part of Switzerland. In November 2002, it was shown – also as the opening film – at the Duisburg Film Week, and in January 2003, it was presented at the Festival International des Programmes Audiovisuels FIPA in Biarritz, Spain.

The festival international du documentaire in Marseille – under the direction of Jean-Pierre Rehm since 2002 – is one of the most important events dedicated to documentary filmmaking. At the documentary film market “Sunny Side of the Doc”, a parallel event, the Swiss Film Center is represented with a booth where participating production and distribution companies showcase their work (see attached list). Director of the film market, Yves Jeanneau, is also the head of the documentary film branch of French television France 2.

Zurich, June 23, 2003.


Behind Me
