“The Giant Buddhas” presented at filming location in Bamiyan


The Swiss filmmaker Christian Frei presented his film “The Giant Buddhas” to a local audience of 3,000 at its filming location in Afghanistan on July 27th, 2006. The open air screening in Bamiyan, which is located approximately 180 kilometers from the capital of Kabul, was a “wonderful experience and an overwhelming success”, according to Frei. Despite a large audience turnout, no security problems occurred. Similarly, some technical problems were masterfully overcome, among them the last minute arrival of the film projector, a dust storm, and an electricity outage. For most individuals in the audience the showing was an unforgettable event, given no movie theatres exist in this region.
As early as during the production of “The Giant Buddhas”, Christian Frei developed the wish to project the film on a large movie screen and show it to the people living in the Afghani valley of Bamiyan. This presentation, with three protagonists in attendance – Sayed Mirza Hussain (the cave dweller), professor Tarzii, and Nelofer Pazira – took place one year after the film’s world premiere at the 2005 Locarno International Film Festival. On July 29th, Christian Frei provided a report to SWISS FILMS from Kabul, in which he expressed his satisfaction and joy about the successful screening:” It was a magical experience nobody will forget very soon. It represents a triumph of tolerance over ignorance. The female governor of Bamiyan invited us for dinner the following evening (July 28th), and told us that the film had given back something to Bamiyan. While one could not make up for the loss of the Buddha statues, the evening had been an extraordinarily important event for her. She thanked me for the film and for the evening.”

The film, which was screened in Locarno, Toronto, Sundance, and at many other festivals, and which was awarded the Silver Dove at the Documentary Film Festival Leipzig, will be released in German movie theatres on August 3rd.

Zurich, July 31, 2006