
Switzerland, February 2004
FILM, Fiction, 88 min.

Save as Favorite
directed by
Christoph Schaub
Written by
Micha Lewinsky
In distribution

Franz Engi returns to the village where he grew up after having lived abroad for over 30 years, only to realise that things are entirely different. The school is about to be closed because now there are only a few families with children living in the village. Franz is
shocked. The closing of the school is particularly significant for him: the school's teacher, Eva, is his daughter, but he does not dare to tell her. In order to help Eva and get to know her better, Franz decides to enrol as a pupil at the school. Although he does indeed become friends with Eva, a lot has to happen before he can tell her who he really is…

Dopo aver trascorso 30 anni all’estero, Franz Engi ritorna nel villaggio della sua infanzia. Nel frattempo, molte cose sono cambiate. Nel villaggio ci sono ormai poche famiglie con bambini e quindi anche la scuola deve essere chiusa. Franz è sconvolto. La chiusura della scuola per lui avrebbe un significato del tutto particolare. La maestra della scuola, Eva, è sua figlia, ma Franz non ha il coraggio di dirglielo. Per aiutare Eva e per avvicinarsi a lei, Franz decide di iscriversi a scuola. La sua amicizia con Eva diventerà sempre più stretta, ma prima che egli possa dirle chi è realmente, dovranno accadere ancora molte cose…


World Premiere
February 2004
Original Version
Swiss-German,  colour, Digi Beta, 88 min.
Langfilm - Bernard Lang AG, SRF Schweizer Radio und Fernsehen
directed by
Christoph Schaub
Written by
Micha Lewinsky
Peter Indergand
Marina Wernli
Balz Bachmann, Peter Bräker
Location Sound Mix
Laurent Barbey
Production Design
Marie-Claude Lang Brenguier
Dorothee Schmid
Ruth Hirschfeld


Sara Capretti
Mathias Gnädinger
Walo Lüönd
Stephen Sikder
Daniel Rohr
Hanspeter Müller-Drossaart
Cheryl Graf

World Sales / World Rights

World Rights
Langfilm - Bernard Lang AG

Worldwide Distribution

The Walt Disney Company (Switzerland) GmbH Distribution


(a selection)


(a selection)
