Viaggio a Misterbianco

Journey to Misterbianco
Voyage à Misterbianco

Switzerland / Germany, April 2003
FILM, Documentary, 86 min.

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directed by
Paolo Poloni
In distribution

“I am at the border, at the Brenner pass. It is here that my journey through Italy begins. At the customs I show my Italian passport. For I am an Italian, although I've never actually lived in Italy: Italy is my father's country. It's the first of November. All Saints' Day. Ognissanti.” A travel diary of a jouney through Italy; a winter journey filmed by an Italian who has never lived in Italy as milions of other Italians spread auround the world by emigration: Between discovery and reflection, lightness and melancholy, between the Brenner pass and Sicily. Do we know Italy in the winter? And: Where is Misterbianco?

«Sono al Brennero, al confine. E' inverno. Qui inizia il mio viaggio attraverso l'Italia. Alla dogana mostro il mio passaporto italiano. In fondo, sono italiano. Ma non ho mai vissuto in Italia. E' il primo novembre. Ognissanti.» Il giornale di bordo di un viaggio invernale attraverso un'Italia diversa, filmato da un italiano, che non conosce l'Italia, come milioni di altri italiani sparsi nel mondo. Tra scoperta e riflessione, tra divertimento e melancolia, tra Brennero e Sicilia. Conosciamo l'Italia invernale? E poi: Dov'è Misterbianco?


World Premiere
April 2003
Original Version
Italian, German (german subtitles),  colour, 35mm, 86 min.
el rayo x, SRG SSR, WDR - Westdeutscher Rundfunk Köln
Paolo Poloni
directed by
Paolo Poloni
Paolo Poloni
Paolo Poloni, Nicola Bellucci
Gianni Coscia
Location Sound Mix
Paolo Poloni

World Sales / World Rights

World Rights
Xenix Filmdistribution GmbH

Worldwide Distribution

Xenix Filmdistribution GmbH Distribution


(a selection)


(a selection)
