Beresina oder Die letzten Tage der Schweiz

Beresina or The Last Days of Switzerland
Berezina ou Les derniers jours de la Suisse
Beresina o gli ultimi giorni della Svizzera

Switzerland / Germany / Austria, May 1999
FILM, Fiction, 108 min.

Save as Favorite
directed by
Daniel Schmid
Written by
Martin Suter
In distribution

This black comedy tells the story of the lovely Irina, a Russian call girl who ends up in a fairy tale land in the Alps, and falls completely under its spell. She increasingly has dealings with a clientele from the worlds of business, politics, the military and the media, trusting her affairs to a shyster lawyer and his woman friend. In faraway Russia a family clan keenly follows her social climb. Pressed into service as an informer Irina finds herself completely lost in what for her remains an impenetrable labyrinth of interest groups. Finding herself blackmailed she is left with no choice but to spy on her clients, uncovering a number of unsavoury anecdotes.
Threatened with expulsion and acting on a misunderstanding and totally unaware of the consequences of what she is about to undertake, Irina sets in motion a plan for the overthrow of the government, a plan concocted many years earlier by an obscure political organisation: the Beresina alarm. The fate of the heroine, and indeed of the whole country, begins to take an unexpected turn.


World Premiere
May 1999
Original Version
German (french subtitles),  colour, 35mm, 108 min.
T&C Film AG, Pandora Film Produktion, Prisma Film- und Fernsehproduktion GmbH, SRF Schweizer Radio und Fernsehen, Teleclub AG
Marcel Hoehn
directed by
Daniel Schmid
Written by
Martin Suter
Renato Berta
Daniela Roderer
Location Sound Mix
Luc Yersin


Geraldine Chaplin
Chloé Seyssel
Stefan Kurt
Hanspeter Müller-Drossaart

World Sales / World Rights

World Rights
T&C Film AG

Worldwide Distribution

Filmladen Distribution
Connaissance du Cinéma Distribution
Pegasos Film Distribution
New Star Distribution


(a selection)


(a selection)
