Die Reise nach Kafiristan

The Journey to Kafiristan

Germany / Switzerland / Netherlands, August 2001
FILM, Fiction, 90 min.

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directed by
Fosco Dubini, Donatello Dubini
Written by
Fosco Dubini, Donatello Dubini, Barbara Marx
In distribution

In 1939, the author Annemarie Schwarzenbach and ethnologist Ella Maillart travel together by car to Kabul, but each is in pursuit of her own project. Annemarie Schwarzenbach, who was among Erika and Klaus Mann's circle of friends in the 30's, is searching for a place of refuge in the Near East to discover her own self. Ella Maillart justifies her restlessness, her need for movement and travel, with a scientific pretext: she would like to explore the mysterious Kafiristan Valley and “make a name” for herself with publications on the archaic life of the nomads living there. Both women are on the run, but political developments and their own biographies catch up with them again and again. Their mutual journey through the outside world, which runs from Geneva via the Balkans and Turkey to Persia, is compounded by the inner world of emotions with a tender love story. As both women arrive in Kabul, the Second World War breaks out and puts an end to their plans.


World Premiere
August 2001
Original Version
German (english subtitles),  colour, 35mm, 90 min.
Dubini Filmproduktion, ZDF/ARTE, Tre Valli Filmproduktion, Artcam The Nederlands
directed by
Fosco Dubini, Donatello Dubini
Written by
Fosco Dubini, Donatello Dubini, Barbara Marx
Matthias Kälin
Location Sound Mix
Tom Weber
Lighting Design
Ernst Brunner

World Sales / World Rights

World Sales
Media Luna Entertainment

Worldwide Distribution

Real Fiction Filmverleih Distribution
Contact Film Distribution
Filmcoopi Zürich AG Distribution


(a selection)
