Die Schwalben des Goldrauschs

The Swallows of Goldrush

Switzerland, May 2000
FILM, Documentary, 60 min.

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directed by
Hans-Ulrich Schlumpf
Written by
Hans-Ulrich Schlumpf
In distribution

When gold was discovered in the Klondike region in 1898 people from far and wide dropped everything and set off for the gold fields to try their luck. The kind of hardships they endured inspired Jack London to write various books, and of course Charlie Chaplie's well-known film, “The Gold Rush”. Years after the first gold rush, in about 1910, two rival enterprises triggered a second one when they began extensive exploration of the same area with the help of giant floating dredgers. Today this machinery lies rusting in the centre of a fascinating manmade landscape. But the fever for gold and the desire to turn a quick buck linger on. There are now 250 companies, large and small, working the Klondike fields with the help of state-of-the-art technology. Moreover, the area and its rich history attract a never-ending flow of tourists. In the centre of Dawson City a flock of cliff swallows has built nests in the Freemasons Temple, one of the most imposing buildings in town. The melancholy cry that accompanies their flight lends a characteristic touch of poetic charm to this strange part of the world. Following the swallows high into the sky the camera gives us a bird's eye view of the scene below and the violent impact mankind has on the natural environment.


World Premiere
May 2000
Original Version
English, German,  colour, Digi Beta, 60 min.
Ariane Film AG, SRF Schweizer Radio und Fernsehen, ARTE G.E.I.E.
directed by
Hans-Ulrich Schlumpf
Written by
Hans-Ulrich Schlumpf
Urs Siegenthaler
Rainer M. Trinkler
Bruno Spoerri
Location Sound Mix
Dieter Meyer

World Sales / World Rights

World Rights
Ariane Film AG

Worldwide Distribution

Ariane Film AG Distribution


(a selection)
