Ferien im Duett

Holiday in Duo

Switzerland, August 2004
FILM, Documentary, 82 min.

Save as Favorite
directed by
Dieter Gränicher
Written by
Dieter Gränicher
In distribution

Four couples of young lovers film each other during their trip in a foreign country. A delightful honeymoon in the vastness of Australia. For the first time without parents on a hot and dusty safari in Namibia. Discovering the effervescent people in Morocco. Deepening the relationship in Cuba. Through the viewfinder of the camera they discover each other anew. On the basis of the direct and spontaneous shootings of these couples, the film shows in a thrilling and amusing way how young Swiss people experience their trip between holiday romance, their role as tourists and relationship troubles.

Quattro giovani coppie girano un film: su se stessi, la loro relazione, il loro viaggio in un paese straniero. Dieter Gränicher ha trasformato le riprese, dirette e spontanee, in un documentario che racconta, in toni avvincenti e umoristici, come passano le vacanze le giovani coppie che si trovano in diverse fasi della loro relazione.


World Premiere
August 2004
Original Version
French, English, Swiss-German, Spanish (german subtitles),  colour, 35mm, 82 min.
momenta film GmbH, SRF Schweizer Radio und Fernsehen, Teleclub AG
directed by
Dieter Gränicher
Written by
Dieter Gränicher
Dieter Gränicher
Sound Editing
Florian Eidenbenz
Jürg Kienberger

World Sales / World Rights

World Rights
momenta film GmbH

Worldwide Distribution

Filmcoopi Zürich AG Distribution


(a selection)
