Increschantüm (Heimweh)

Switzerland, January 2001
FILM, Documentary, 68 min.

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directed by
Stefan Haupt
Written by
Stefan Haupt
In distribution

“Increschantüm” is the Romansch word for homesickness, as well as for longing. “Ils Fränzlis da Tschlin” is the name of a group that plays folk music from the Engadine. The name refers to Franz Josef Waser, a legendary blind fiddler who is remembered for the “Fränzlimusik” he created with members of his family in the second half of the 19th century, and who was credited with having perfect pitch. It is said that the people of the Engadine all have one thing in common: even while still in their native land they suffer from homesickness. A film about the music of the “Fränzlis”, about its spirit, the people who perform it, their culture, their history, and the way they are torn between tradition and progress. A film about the Engadine region, about the love and longing which it inspires, and above all about homesickness.


World Premiere
January 2001
Original Version
Raeto-Romance (german subtitles),  colour, Beta SP, 68 min.
Fontana Film GmbH, RTR Radiotelevisiun Svizra Rumantscha
directed by
Stefan Haupt
Written by
Stefan Haupt
Hans Schürmann
Myriam Flury
Location Sound Mix
Thomas Thümena

World Sales / World Rights

World Rights
Fontana Film GmbH

Worldwide Distribution

Frenetic Films Distribution


(a selection)
