Keru's Girl

, 2000
FILM, Fiction, 4 min.

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directed by
Paolo Vandoni
In distribution

A very young actress became famous after doing a mozzarella cheese advertise. Thank to this success they offer her a part in a movie. When the movie is ready to be released, the production company decides not to put her real name in the promotional poster, but simply print: “With the girl of Keru’s mozzarella cheese” because everyone knows her for this. So for the audience, she’s forever going to be the mozzarella cheese girl. She really want her real name on the movie, but the complaints are useless, after a terrible argument with her manager she runs away…

Un’aspirante attrice diventa famosa pubblicizzando le mozzarelle Keru. Grazie alla sua notorietà le viene offerto di girare un film. Per il lancio del film la produzione decide di usare la ragazza non con il suo nome ma sfruttando al massimo la sua immagine di ragazza delle mozzarelline Keru. Sentendosi sminuita e raggirata va su tutte le furie e fugge via…


World Premiere
Original Version
4 min.
directed by
Paolo Vandoni