La strada del marmo

Marble Road
Die Strasse des Marmors

Germany / Switzerland, May 2001
FILM, Documentary, 90 min.

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directed by
Michael Trabitzsch
Written by
Michael Trabitzsch
In distribution

No photo, and indeed no number of photos could possibly convey anything like the reality of the powerful forces, the impending violence and death that from time immemorial have been associated with the quarries of Carrara marble. Many have died over the years, and fatalities still occur. The quarrying is done high up in the clouds at an altitude of more than 2000 metres, where the view can be breathtaking. Beyond the mountains lies the sea. The “Marble Road” as it is called stretches from Carrara like the fingers of a hand, reaching into each of the lateral valleys. Most of the local families have had to mourn at least one victim. This has left its mark on the inhabitants of Carrara.


World Premiere
May 2001
Original Version
Italian (french/german subtitles),  colour, 35mm, 90 min.
Prounen Filmproduktion, T&C Film AG, RSI Radiotelevisione svizzera, Teleclub AG
directed by
Michael Trabitzsch
Written by
Michael Trabitzsch
Pio Corradi
Loredana Cristelli
Location Sound Mix
Paolo Logli

World Sales / World Rights

World Rights
T&C Film AG

Worldwide Distribution

MFA Film Distribution Distribution


(a selection)
