Made in India

Switzerland, April 1999
FILM, Documentary, 91 min.

Save as Favorite
directed by
Patricia Plattner
Written by
Patricia Plattner
In distribution

The Self-Employed Women’s Association (SEWA) is a unique sort of trade union, first created in the state of Gujarat. Currently it has 217'000 members throughout the sub-continent. SEWA has set out to organise India’s countless extremely poor women, whether they work at home, in the street or in the fields, doing a variety of jobs but having no permanent employer so that they may be considered self-employed. Issued from many different religious and caste backgrounds, the SEWA women have created their own cooperative bank. SEWA is also concerned about such issues as health and training. Inventive and courageous, these women have stepped out from the shadow. The film tells the story of SEWA with the example of six of its members.


World Premiere
April 1999
Original Version
Gujarati, English (french subtitles),  colour, 35mm, 91 min.
Light Night Production SA, RTS Radio Télévision Suisse
Patricia Plattner, François-Christophe Marzal
directed by
Patricia Plattner
Written by
Patricia Plattner
Séverine Barde
Maya Schmid

World Sales / World Rights

World Sales
Films Transit International Inc.

Worldwide Distribution

Frenetic Films Distribution


(a selection)
