Three Below Zero

Three Below Zero

Germany / Switzerland, August 1998
FILM, Fiction, 98 min.

Save as Favorite
directed by
Simon Aeby
Written by
Simon Aeby
In distribution

The story exposes the raw nerves of three very different New York apartment dwellers trapped overnight in a basement laundry room during a summer rain storm. They are forced to pass the time together, dealing with eachother's individual past, ego, frustrations and hopes. The film plays out their fantasies of dominance, dependence and primal sexuality. Stereotypes of male fantasy face a female jury in a trial with no winners or losers.


World Premiere
August 1998
Original Version
English (french subtitles),  colour, 35mm, 98 min.
Aeby/Kuhn GbR, Beatrix E. Aeby
directed by
Simon Aeby
Written by
Simon Aeby
Lighting Design
Ben Wolf

World Sales / World Rights

World Rights
Aeby/Kuhn GbR

Worldwide Distribution

Paul-Heinz Knipp-Film GmbH Distribution


(a selection)
