
Anton Bruhin The Jew's Harp Player

Switzerland, April 1999
FILM, Documentary, 71 min.

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directed by
Iwan Schumacher
Written by
Iwan Schumacher
In distribution

An exotic road movie that follows in the footsteps of Jew's harp virtuoso Anton Bruhin. Accompanied by the distinctive sound of this diminutive ancient instrument, this voyage of discovery begins at the Zollstrasse home of Anton Bruhin in Zurich's industrial zone, moves to Stoos in canton Schwyz, on to the steppes of Siberia and then to Japan's bustling metropolitan capital, Tokyo. Virtuoso that he is Bruhin has musical tastes that range from the traditional to the experimental as he tries out new sounds on his “trümpi”, which is the word for a Jew's harp in the Swiss-German dialect. This unusual harpist embraces music in all its diversity from folk to avant garde, building bridges between the very different traditions of town and country, East and West.


World Premiere
April 1999
Original Version
Without dialogue,  colour, 35mm, 71 min.
ventura film sa, Iwan Schumacher, SRF Schweizer Radio und Fernsehen
directed by
Iwan Schumacher
Written by
Iwan Schumacher
Otmar Schmid
Anja Bombelli
Sound Design
Jürg von Allmen
Re-Recording Mix
Jürg von Allmen
Location Sound Mix
Dieter Meyer, Martin Witz, Hugo Poletti

World Sales / World Rights

World Rights
ventura film sa

Worldwide Distribution

Subiaco Filmverleih Distribution
Look Now! Distribution


(a selection)
